Sunday, March 2, 2008

The foolish ending....

There has to be some instant in life when you looked upon an event in retrospect and lightly chuckled to yourself thinking how silly and puerile you were. Yet at that moment you live in an illusive fantasy that the present day 'you' is the more wiser 'you'. And in an endless circle you continue to look back and ridicule yourself , and ultimately die a fool! Born a fool and die a fool after giving birth to more fools to continue your legacy of foolishness. And as you count the number of 'fool's i have mentioned here, please don't forget to add yourself in the count.

1 comment:

Ajay Ravichandran said...

and here a hi-fi to you, and as mark twain would say

"Let us be thankful for the fools; but for them the rest of us could not succeed"